Learning Poker

Learning Poker

Poker is an internet based card game, originated from the United States and now played by people across the world. Poker is a family of game variations where players wager on which hand lies with greater probability according to the rules of the game. There are different variations of poker such as Omaha Poker, seven-card stud, Omaha Hi-Lo, holdem and Omaha Draw. There are also different kinds of poker played in casinos and on online sites.


In poker a player makes his/her bets and then try his/her winning combination to “cash” (seize) the pot. The winning combination is the player’s last known bet before the start of the game. It is called a “Flop” in professional poker. If the player’s final bet wins the pot, the player becomes the “house.” However, if the player bets on the flop and his final bet wins the pot, then the player is said to have “called.”

A “raise” is similar to a raise in Holdem but a player executes a follow-up bet after the execution of a raise. For example, if the player made a three-card straight flush, and then a five-card straight flush, then the player could raise before the fifth card (the straight) was dealt to the player, and thus winning the pot when all the five cards were played. A “call” is similar to a raise but in Poker a player executes a follow-up bet after the execution of a raise. For example, if the player made a three-card straight flush, and a five-card straight flush, then the player could call after the third card (the straight) was dealt to the player, thus winning the pot when all the five cards were played.