Special Relativity: The Future Is Not Planned (january/vernuary 2021 Issue #2)

Special Relativity: The Future Is Not Planned (january/vernuary 2021 Issue #2)


Special Relativity: The Future Is Not Planned (january/vernuary 2021 Issue #2)

The future is nothing but the future anticipated in the sequence of events which have their definite pattern determined. It is also called the future of a nation or state. This time-line can be called a “time bomb” as some call it as a ticking time bomb. What we are referring to is that once this particular bomb is exploded, the results are not as people expect and desire them to be. The future of a nation or state is already decided, it is all a matter of how this time bomb will be exploded.

According to the Special relativity, no real surprises are to be expected in near future unless we consider the singularity principle. According to this principle, what we observe is only what we do not know about. Thus we do not have to be surprised about what we observe. So when a scientist says that in the near future, there will be huge colliders producing black holes, and we do not know what they will produce, he is merely stating a fact and prediction based on the present technological development. He has not calculated the effects of such a formation on the space-time continuum nor has he given us any solution for the problem of giving energy to such a formation. If there were such a device, it would affect our present day systems and cause it to go haywire.

In the next article of this series we shall discuss how this warping of our present system will affect our ability to predict and measure the future, or the timing of events. Please remember that the future of a nation or state is completely dependent on our ability to perceive its future and predict with accuracy. Please consider this in 2021.