What Is Ethnocentrism?

What Is Ethnocentrism?

Culture is a very broad umbrella phrase that encompass all the social practices and norms observed in human civilizations, as well as their cultural information, beliefs, customs, arts, codes, practices, and skills of the people in those cultures. Some of the most important components that constitute culture are language, art, literature, film, music, visual culture, interaction patterns, and political organization. The other components of culture are the impact of technology on culture, and the effects of climate and geography on the cultural patterns of a society. A majority of the world’s cultures are tribal in nature, with some developing into complex civilizations over time. There are two types of cultures: domestic and global cultures.

In some cases, it is not easy to classify cultures because some cultures develop rapidly without undergoing significant changes, whereas others evolve more slowly, remaining attached to their traditional values and structures. Generally, the longer a society remains unified and together, the more distinct and specific its cultural practices and traditions become. Differences in cultural practices can be attributed to differences in geographical location, climate, ethnicity, language, and religion. In fact, culture is a highly dynamic concept and depends largely on the prevailing circumstances in any given society.

Ethnocentrism is an ideology that opposes the recognition of individual cultures and considers all cultures as one, as derived from a common ancestry. It denies the existence of distinct cultural practices and ideas and contends that all mankind share the same basic instincts and attributes, the traits shared by all. According to ethnocentrism, a society that has developed in a particular geographic area can be called a cultural area. These areas have their own specific culture, characteristics, and origins. For instance, in China, unlike in Europe or in Africa, there is no such thing as “European culture,” ” Africans-oriented culture,” or “Asian culture” because all people are ethnically the same, regardless of race or color.